Harris Rally At The Ellipse In Washington, D.c.

Harris Rally At The Ellipse In Washington, D.c.

Kamala Harris makes closing arguments for campaign in speech at Ellipse in Washington, D.C. Read the transcript here.

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Speaker 1 (00:29):

When do you go on?

Speaker 3 (00:46):

Five minutes. 6:30. That’s Peter. He’s on NBC. He’s the Chief White House correspondent for NBC.

Speaker 2 (00:50):

Are you producing for [inaudible 00:00:59]?

Speaker 1 (00:58):


Speaker 2 (00:58):

You producing for [inaudible 00:01:02]?

Speaker 1 (01:01):

Oh, yeah. I’m her agent.

Speaker 2 (01:02):

Good to see you.

Speaker 1 (01:02):

Good to see you.

VIDEO (03:01):

We have 106 days until election day and, in that time, we have some hard work to do. But here’s the thing, we like hard work. Hard work is good work. Please welcome the next Vice President, Tim Walz.

We have a Minnesota saying. “We all do better when we all do better.”

That’s what we’re talking about when we talk about a new way forward. On behalf of every American, I accept your nomination to be president of the United States. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, come on, we got business to handle. Hard work is joyful work.

Sleep when you’re dead.

And when we fight, we win.

ANNOUNCER (04:09):

Performing America the Beautiful, please welcome Tamera McDuffie.

Tamera McDuffie (05:08):

Oh beautiful, for spacious skies.

For amber waves of grain.

For purple mountain majesties.

Upon the fruited plain.

America, America.

God shared his grace on thee.

And crown thy good, with brotherhood.

From sea to shining sea.

America, America.

God shed his grace on thee.

And crown thy good, with brotherhood.

From sea to shining sea.

VIDEO (07:22):

I will be a president for all Americans.

I’m a conservative old white guy and I’m voting for Kamala Harris.

I voted for Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris gets it.

Kamala Harris is going to give 100 million Americans a middle-class tax cut.

She’ll lower The cost of everyday needs.

Protest us from price gouging.

I have never voted for a Democrat, but I am proudly casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris is for you.

I’m a veteran. I’m an independent and I’m voting for Kamala Harris.

She’s trying to bring people together.

She’s a champion for reproductive freedom.

Who believes in the rule of law and our democracy.

For the good of my country.

I’ll be voting for Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris is for the working people.

[Spanish 00:08:08].

[foreign language 00:08:10].

[foreign language 00:08:11].

Get to the election polls and vote for Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris.

Vice President Kamala Harris.

I’m a fifty-six-year-old, rural, gun-owning white guy. And if Kamala Harris thinks I’ll vote for her, she’s right.

ANNOUNCER (08:32):

Please welcome Amanda and Josh Zyrowski, Ryan Wilson, Jeff Crosby, Teresa Acosta, Dr. Lakeysha Hallmon, Craig Sicknick, Jenny Poon and her family, Christina and Bob Lang.

Speaker 2 (09:24):

Do you see the prompter anywhere?

Amanda Zyrowski (09:45):

Hi, y’all. My name is Amanda Zyrowski.

Josh Zyrowski (09:46):

And I’m Josh Zyrowski.

Amanda Zyrowski (09:50):

In the spring of 2022, we were thrilled to find out I was pregnant with our first baby, a girl. But at 18 weeks, I suffered severe complications.

Josh Zyrowski (10:02):

We were, with 100% certainty, going to lose our baby girl.

Amanda Zyrowski (10:08):

What I needed, at that point, was an abortion, so that I could safely and with dignity deliver our daughter and begin our healing process.

Josh Zyrowski (10:19):

But under the extreme Trump abortion bans in Texas, doctors were forced to wait until Amanda’s life was in danger before treating her. After three long days, Amanda developed sepsis and nearly died. She spent three more days in the ICU fighting for her life.

Amanda Zyrowski (10:39):

Donald Trump is responsible for what happened to our family and countless others. He brags about it, saying he’s proudly the person responsible for overturning Roe v. Wade. Let’s be clear. If given the chance, he would go even further and ban abortion in all 50 states with or without the help of Congress.

Josh Zyrowski (11:08):

To every voter out there, every family out there, we must stop them. To all my fellow men, show up for the women in your life and vote for Vice President Harris.

Amanda Zyrowski (11:29):

We can choose a new generation of leadership, a brighter future, with Vice President Harris and Governor Walz. They won’t stop fighting until they restore and protect reproductive freedom in all 50 states for every single one of us.

Ryan Wilson (11:59):

I am Ryan Wilson. I’m a proud Atlanta native, entrepreneur and small business owner. It takes more than just hard work to start a business. It takes a whole lot of money too. I’m sure y’all know who understands them. Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris is a champion for small businesses, a champion for entrepreneurs. She knows that small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities and the engines of our economy. Her policy would be a game changer for entrepreneurs. A $50,000 tax cut to get off the ground, cutting unnecessary red tape to make it easier to grow a business, making sure that folks that have had historic barriers accessing capital receive the support that they need.

Now, these aren’t the typical policies of a politician. These are the policies of a leader. A leader who cares about making our lives better. Someone who is committed to listening to the people that they serve, that they serve, taking good ideas from wherever they come from, and developing commonsense solutions focused on getting things done.

And what would Donald Trump do? If it doesn’t help himself or his billionaire friends, Donald Trump isn’t interested in it. America deserves a leader, in the office behind me, that is going to fight for the people every single day. Not someone interested in himself or his personal grievances. In seven days, we’re going to turn the page on Donald Trump and then we’re going to do something special. We’re going to elect Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States.

Jeff Crosby (14:12):

My dad was my hero, but he wasn’t just a hero to me. Hollywood even made a movie about him and his fellow service members. Just six days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, he enlisted in the Army Air Corps. Lieutenant Harry Crosby became the lead navigator of the “Bloody 100th” Bomb Group. He served under brutal conditions and flew 32 combat missions. He fought fascism. He was fortunate to return home alive. Of the 140 men he deployed with all but three were killed or captured.


For my son, the consequences of this election could be life or death, but Kamala Harris doesn’t just represent the alternative to Trump, she represents a new generation of leadership fighting for a future where every American has access to affordable healthcare.

She’ll strengthen and expand the Affordable Care Act, ensuring that kids, like my son, have the right to healthcare coverage. She’s already fought against the drug companies to cap the cost of insulin and prescription drugs for our seniors. But now… That’s right. But now, she will cap it for all Americans. That’s the kind of leader we need in the White House. She will turn the page, so we will turn, all of us, we’ll turn the page on Trump, y’all. And we are going to elect Kamala Harris, who will fight for all of us just as hard as I fight for my son.

Dr. Lakeysha Hallmon (19:40):

My name is Dr. Lakeysha Hallmon. And while I’m a proud Atlanta resident now, I grew up in a small town of Batesville, Mississippi. My grandmother still live in Mississippi and, when I called to check in, I hear about things they are worried about. It’s no different from my friends in Atlanta and many families across America. They’re worried about grocery prices, affording medicine and paying bills. But the other things that they talk about, it’s the hope that Kamala Harris brings them, how they feel she cares about them in their overall well-being, how she’s capped the cost of their insulin and how they know that she’s going to do even more.

My grandmothers are right. Kamala Harris is fighting for all of us. From my grandparents in small town Mississippi to young families that’s just getting started in Atlanta. She is fighting for all of us. When she talks about building her opportunity economy, she’s talking about an economy that will actually work for all Americans because Kamala Harris believes it’s not enough to simply get by. She believes that we all must thrive.

Donald Trump wants an economy that works for he and his billionaire friends. He doesn’t want to lift us up. He wants to pass tax cuts for billionaires and stick the bill on us. He’s done it before and he will do it again, so let’s finally turn the page on Donald Trump and as President Harris will do what she’s always done, she is going to deliver for us. She is going to deliver for the American people.

Craig Sicknick (22:42):

Hello, my name is Craig Sicknick. My brother was US Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick. He was a hero. Brian died after defending our country on January 6th from Trump’s insurrectionists. My family knows how dangerous Trump is. He incited the crowd to riot while my brother and his fellow officers put their lives at risk.

Now, Mr. Trump is promising to pardon the convicted criminals who attacked our capitol, killing my brother and injuring over 140 other officers. This is simply wrong. We need a real leader. And Kamala Harris is that leader. I’ve had enough of Trump’s politics, of chaos, anger, and hate. It has real and dangerous consequences for all of us. It’s time to turn the page and choose Kamala as our president. And Brian, we miss you every day.

Jenny Poon (24:18):

Hello, my name is Jenny Poon. I’m a daughter of refugees. I’m the founder of a small business, a co-working space in Phoenix, Arizona, that I founded with my husband, and a very proud parent to these two wild and wonderful children over here. This is Ada and Okan, I don’t think they’ve ever seen this many people in their entire lives. As a parent, I worry about expenses. Every single day. When I was pregnant with Okan, I looked at the expenses that were piling up, the groceries, the bills for health care, the groceries, and I thought to myself, how are we ever going to be able to afford this?

And I’m not alone in this. So many of us business owners, friends, families, carry these growing costs and it only is getting harder. Kamala Harris cares about the answers to these questions. She knows what it’s like to grow up in a middle-class family sitting at a table watching her parents struggle to figure out how these bills are going to get paid.

That’s why she’s taking on price gouging to lower the cost of groceries. Her plans will cut taxes for the middle class and she’ll work with developers and home builders to build more homes, making it affordable for every American to own a home. She’s expanding support to small businesses like us and to the thousands of businesses I see in my space.

Soon, every small business, anyone who wants to start something, will have the ability to do so. To think, nearly 40 years ago, the landmark legislation, HR5050, made it possible for women to get loans and bank accounts in their own names. I was five when that passed and, today, I was able to get a loan… Well, 10

Jenny Poon (27:00):

10 years ago, I was able to get a loan and accomplish something that my parents would never be able to do, get a loan to get a building in my name, which would have been impossible in my mom’s time. Before that, wealth was only built through men. Today, women run our homes, they run our businesses, they run our cities, and soon they will run this country.

And —

CROWD (27:52):


Jenny Poon (28:03):

And yet, after all of this running that we are doing as women, Donald Trump does not think we are capable of making our own decisions about our bodies. Kamala Harris will protect and expand our rights and bring America forward, not back. For when we support women, when we support our families, we support our communities. This election, we have a chance out there. We have a chance to elect someone who sees us as more than birthers and vessels to their own wealth.

Someone who protects women and families. Donald Trump wants to take us back. But to my daughter, for those who fought for us to get to the rights that we have today, we are never going back.

I wish I could take credit for that line. That was not mine. Vice President Harris cares about every American like they are family. And I am frankly tired of being the stepping stone for others to get rich. While Kamala Harris is fighting for us, Donald Trump could not care less about families like us. He has never known what it is like to worry about groceries and how much groceries even cost. His plan for a Trump sales tax would send costs skyrocketing, costing families nearly $4,000 a year for basic necessities.

You have heard it again and again today, we need to turn the page on Trump.

And the fears I had talked about earlier, the costs of diapers, Kamala Harris knows that too many families are worried about the same thing. That is why she is fighting for a $6,000 tax cut for parents with newborns and a $50,000 tax credit for anyone who wants to start a business. I cannot even begin to describe how life-changing that would have been for me and my husband when we were starting. So we have an opportunity to make history and create a middle class that thrives in America. So when Odine and I went to the polls, we actually mailed our ballots, because we are in Arizona. Woo.

We voted for the only candidate that treats every American as family, Kamala Harris. Or as my daughter would call her, Auntie Kamala every time she sees her on TV. Thank you so much.

BOB LANG (31:26):

Hello, my name is Bob Lang.


And I am Christina Lang.

BOB LANG (31:33):

Christina and I are farmers from Chester County, Pennsylvania.

We live on our family farm that has been in my family since 1896, and we have been lifelong Republicans. I voted for Donald Trump twice.

Listen, it made sense because I was a Republican, and that is what we did. I got to tell you, though, Christina was way ahead of the curve. She only voted for him once. But it is very clear that Donald Trump does not care about helping hardworking people like us. He only cares about what is good for him and the super rich people that he touts to. He is too focused on seeking revenge and retribution to care about what we need. We deserve better. It is time to turn the page.


We deserve a leader who will bring people together and fight for the middle class, not someone who tries to divide us. And that is why Bob and I are both proudly voting for Kamala Harris. Never in a million years did I think that I would be up on a stage like this supporting a Democrat for president. But enough is enough. After nearly a decade, it is time to turn the page on Donald Trump and his chaos and division. We have got to move forward. We have got to elect someone who is in the fight for the regular working people and who will get things done like a middle class tax cut, or help with the sandwich generation, the ones who care for their kids and their aging parents. We have got to elect someone who will take us forward and not backward.

BOB LANG (34:52):

There is more at stake at this election than in any other election in my lifetime. And the choice for us and for millions of Republicans across this country is simple. My message to the millions of undecided voters, many of those Republicans, it is time to turn the page on Donald Trump. Kamala Harris will be a president for all Americans. Let us elect Kamala Harris.


Thank you.

MUSIC (35:26):

(Upbeat Music).

CROWD (35:26):


MUSIC (37:59):

This land was made for you and me. As I was walking down that ribbon of a highway.

I saw above me, oh, that endless skyway.

Now I saw below me that golden valley.

And I said, this land was made for you and me.

As I was walking, now, they tried to stop me.

She more Cancún, he more Saint-Tropez.

Big wave in the room, the crowd gon’ move.

Look around, everybody on mute.

Look around, it’s me and my crew.

Big energy.

He was on stop mode, got froze.

Frozе front page Vogue, no pose.

Chat too much, full clip unload.

That’s that Kodak еnergy.



Energy. Yeah, yeah.

Gold links, raw denim.

You know that we do it grande.

You know that I’m gon’ be extra.

When that camera go, “Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop”.

Keep ’em waitin’ like dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot.

“Ooh, la-la-la”

That’s the way dem boys sound when I walk through the block, block, block.

Then I uzi that doozie, shot, shot, shot.

We was just chillin’, mindin’ our business.

Poppin’ our pain and champagne through the ceilin’.

Sippin’ it up, flickin’ it up.

All this good energy got you all in your feelings, feelings.

I’m crazy, I’m swearin’.

I’m darin’, your man’s starin’.

I just entered the country with derringers’.

‘Cause them Karens just turned into terrorists.

He was on stop mode, got froze.

Froze front page Vogue, no pose.

Chat too much, full clip unload.

That’s that Kodak energy (Go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go).

Energy (Yaka-yaka, yaka-yaka, yaka-yaka, yaka-yaka).

Energy (Go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go).

Energy (Yaka-yaka, yaka-yaka, yaka-yaka, yaka-yaka).

Yeah, yeah.

I’m ’bout to explode, take off this load.

Spin it, bust it open, won’t ya make it go (come on).

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka.

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka.

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka.

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka (release ya wiggle).

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka.

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka.

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka.

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka (release ya wiggle).

Ahh (release ya anger).

La-la-la-la (release ya anger).

La-la-la-la (release ya mind).

La-la-la-la (release ya job).

La-la-la (release the time).

La-la-la-la (release ya trade).

La-la-la-la (release the stress).

La-la (release the love, forget the rest).

You won’t break my soul.

You won’t break my soul.

You won’t break my soul.

You won’t break my soul.

I’m tellin’ everybody.




Now, I just fell in love.

And I just quit my job.

I’m gonna find new drive.

Damn, they work me so damn hard.

Work by nine, then off past five.

And they work my nerves.

That’s why I cannot sleep at night.

I’m lookin’ for motivation.

I’m lookin’ for a new foundation, yeah.

And I’m on that new vibration.

I’m buildin’ my own foundation, yeah.

Hold up, oh, baby, baby.

You won’t break my soul (na, na).

You won’t break my soul (no-no, na, na).

You won’t break my soul (no-no, na, na).

You won’t break my soul (na, na).

I’m tellin’ everybody, na, na.




Release ya anger, release ya mind.

Release ya job, release the time.

Release ya trade, release the stress.

Release the love, forget the rest.

I’ma let down my hair ’cause I lost my mind.

Bey is back and I’m sleepin’ real good at night.

The queens in the front and the Doms in the back.

Ain’t takin’ no flicks but the whole clique snapped.

There’s a whole lot of people in the house.

Tryna smoke with the yak in your mouth.

(Good at night) and we back outside.

You said you outside, but you ain’t that outside.

Worldwide hoodie with the mask outside.

In case you forgot how we act outside.

Got motivation (motivation).

I done found me a new foundation, yeah (new foundation).

I’m takin’ my new salvation (oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, new salvation).

And I’ma build my own foundation, yeah (oh, yeah, yeah, yeah).

(Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah) oh, baby, baby.

You won’t break my soul (you won’t).

You won’t break my soul (break my soul).

You won’t break my soul (you won’t).

You won’t break my soul (break my soul).

And I’m tellin’ everybody (everybody).

Everybody (everybody).

Everybody (everybody).

Everybody, yeah.

If you don’t seek it, you won’t see it.

That we all know (can’t break my soul).

If you don’t think it, you won’t be it.

That love ain’t yours (can’t break my soul).

Tryna fake it never makes it.

That we all know (can’t break my soul).

You can have the stress and not take less.

I’ll justify love.

We go ’round in circles, ’round in circles.

Searchin’ for love (’round in circles).

We go up and down, lost and found (’round in circles).

Searchin’ for love (yeah, yeah).

Looking for something that lives inside me.

Looking for something that lives inside me.

You won’t break my soul.

You won’t break my soul.

You won’t break my soul.

You won’t break my soul.

I’m tellin’ everybody (let’s go, let’s go, let’s go).

Tellin’ everybody.

Everybody (ohh, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go).


You won’t break my soul.

You won’t break my soul, no, no.

You won’t break my soul.

You won’t break my soul.

And I’m tellin’ everybody (motivation, oh, yeah, yeah).

Everybody (oh, yeah, yeah).

Everybody (I done found me a new foundation, yeah).

Everybody (oh yeah, yeah).

I’m takin’ my new salvation (hey, yeah-yeah).

And I’ma build my own foundation, yeah (yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah).

Got motivation (motivation).

I done found me a new foundation, yeah (new foundation).

I’m takin’ my new salvation (new salvation).

And I’ma build my own foundation, yeah (own foundation).

I’m ’bout to explode, take off this load.

Spin it, bust it open, won’t ya make it go (come on).

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka.

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka.

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka.

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka (release ya wiggle).

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka.

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka.

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka.

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka (release ya wiggle).

Release ya, release ya, release ya wiggle.

Release ya anger, release ya mind (ohh, let’s go).

Release ya job, release the time (let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go).

Release ya trade, release the stress (ohh, let’s go, let’s go).

Release the love, forget the rest (ohh, let’s go, let’s-).

Speaker 4 (38:01):

You think we can get a signal out there? Hey Zach. Hey Zach? Are we even going to be able to a signal out in that thing?

MUSIC (38:01):

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They feel a way, oh wow (wow, wow, wow, wow).

They feel a way (woo), oh wow (wow, wow).

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They feel a way, oh wow (wow, wow).

They feel a way, oh wow (wow, wow).

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They feel a way, oh wow (wow, wow).

They feel a way, oh wow (wow, wow).

I was always in the lead.

Where you wanna be, I’m who they wanna be.

B-E-A-U-T-Y, he never seen so much rage from a queen.

Rage from a queen, queen so strong, thought she was a machine.

Girl of your dreams, Sinclair regime.

Turned to the max, can’t forget Maxine.

Refer to me as a goddess, I’m tired of being modest.

A hundred degrees, the hottest, if we being honest.

Ebony and ebonics, black people win.

They say we bein’ demonic, angel in disguise.

I hate I have to disguise it, why you gotta despise it?

Rich in the mind, that’s why I’m making deposits.

Can’t we all empower? It’s time to realize it(They’ll never, ever take my power).

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They feel a way, oh wow.

They feel a way, oh wow.

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They feel a way (hold up), oh wow (wow, wow, wow).

They feel a way (woo), oh wow (wow, wow, wow).

This that rhythm, this that lightning.

This that burn, this ain’t no perm.

This that nappy, this that urb’.

This that kinfolk, this that skinfolk.

This that war, this that bloodline.

On the front line, ready for war, where you gon’ run? (Tell me get loose).

Get loose, get low, get low.

Why you get loose, get loose, get low, get low.

Oh, gotta protect my braids.

Keep it locked in a safe.

Don’t make me get back to my ways.

My power, they’ll never take, ah.

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They feel a way, oh wow (wow, wow, wow, wow).

They feel a way (woo), oh wow (wow, wow).

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They feel a way, oh wow (wow, wow).

They feel a way, oh wow (wow, wow).


Vumani Bo (siyavuma!).

Selingenile ikumkani.

Ningangabazi amandla am.

Ngizogobisa abanenkani.

Thulani Bo (seng’hleli).

Selivukile idimoni lami.

Nibabuzile abaziyo ngami.

There will be niks when I’m done.

Jongani Bo (siyabona).

Ndim’ ne-Skeem Sami.

Sizilethile izikhali.

Amagwali awahlangani.

Hlani Bo (ibamb’umthetho).

Niyayibona inkinga lento.

Sizoyilungisa, themba mina.

Qoqa amaqhawe soyiqeda manje.

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They feel a way (ay), oh wow (wow, wow).

They feel a way (ay), oh wow (wow, wow).

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power.

They’ll never take my power, my power, my power (ay).

They feel a way (ay), oh wow (wow, wow).

They feel a way (ay), oh wow (wow, wow).

Woza, they no fit shake am oh.

Lie lie.

You no fit touch am oh (woza, woza).

I think that means “Let’s go,” so woza.

Boom, boom, check you later.

I roll with the danger.

Andoyiki, nenja.

Mina ndiyi-Ninja.

Boom, boom, check you later.

I roll with the danger.

Andoyiki, nenja.

Mina ndiyi-Ninja.


Long live the king, you a king, you know it.

King already, already, you know it.

Top everything, everything, you know it.

King already, already, you know it.

Mind, body, soul, got a king body.

Body gon’ shine, bling bling, body.

Calling all the shots, ring ring, body.

Crown on your head, got a king body.

Long live the king, you a king, you know it.

King already, my baby, you know it.

Top everything, everything, you know it.

King already, already, you know it.

Shine already, it’s time already.

The line already, it’s time already.

Shine already, it’s time already.

The line already, it’s time already.

Try to stop it, me say no, no, no.

Royalty say, don’t you know, know, know.

Try to stop it, me say go, go, go, go.

Bubble up and watch it grow, grow, grow, grow.

Every king be ruler, be ruler, yeah.

Everybody all dey conquer, yeah.

Every king be stronger, yeah.

King to rule them longer, yeah.

Remember who you are, ooh.

Real king always win, oh.

Give up your bread, oh.

I’ll show your people my love.

It’s time already, I say it’s time already.

The line already, I say, line already.

Only you got the remedy, I say you got the remedy.

Shine your body, shine your body.

Long live the king, you a king, you know it.

King already, already, you know it.

Top everything, everything, you know it.

King already, already, you know it.

Mind, body, soul, got a king body.

Body gon’ shine, bling bling, body.

Calling all the shots, ring ring, body.

Crown on your head, got a king body.

Long live the king, you a king, you know it.

King already, my baby, you know it.

Top everything, everything, you know it.

King already, already, you know it.

Shine already, it’s time already (already).

The line already, it’s time already (already).

Shine already, it’s time already (already).

The line already, it’s time already (already).

Shine already, it’s time already (already).

The line already, it’s time already (already).

Shine already, it’s time already (already).

The line already, it’s time already.

Try to stop it, me say no, no, no.

Royalty say, don’t you know, know, know.

Try to stop it, me say go, go, go, go.

Bubble up and watch it grow, grow, grow, grow.

Diamonds on my fist, fighting demons, oh.

Come and rest your head, take your crown off, oh.

Woke up in a foreign, need to take it slow, oh.

He said I’m moving too fast, need to take it slow, oh.

Take it slow, oh.

Take it slow, oh.

Tryna take my baby home, oh.

Take it slow, oh.

Remember who you are, ooh.

Real king always win, oh.

Give up your bread, oh.

I’ll show your people my love.

It’s time already, I say it’s time already.

The line already, I say, line already.

Only you got the remedy, I say you got the remedy.

Shine your body, shine your body (ah).

Be your own king.

Make nobody come rule your world (yo, yo, yo, yo).

Be your own king.

Make nobody come rule your world (ah).

Be your own king.

Make nobody come rule your world (yo, yo, yo, yo).

Be your own king.

Make nobody come rule your world.

Long live the king, you a king, you know it.

Top everything, everything, you know it.

Show them the way, you know it.

You know it, you know it.

Work your thing out.

Work your thing out.

Work your thing out.

Work your thing out.

There’s so many-a girls.

I hear you been running.

From the beautiful queen.

That you could be becoming.

You can look at my palm.

And see the storm coming.

Read the book of my life.

And see I’ve overcome it.

Just because the length of your hair ain’t long.

And they often criticize you for your skin tone.

Wanna hold your head high.

Cause you’re a pretty woman.

Get your runway stride home.

And keep going.

Girl live ya life.

I just wanna be myself.

Don’t sweat girl be yourself.

Follow me.

Follow me.

Follow me.

Girl be yourself.

That’s why I be myself.

And I’m gonna love it.

Let em get mad.

They gonna hate anyway.

Don’t you get that?

Doesn’t matter if you’re going on with their plan.

They’ll never be happy.

Cause they’re not happy with themselves.

Na na work what you got.

I’m talking bout things that I know.

Na na work what you got.

It’s okay show yourself some love.

Na na work what you got.

Don’t worry bout who’s saying what.

It’s gonna be fine.

Work what you got.

Feelin’ great because the light’s on me.

Celebrating the things that everyone told me.

Would never happen but God has put his hands on me.

And ain’t a man alive could ever take it from me.

Working with what I got I gotta keep on.

Taking care of myself I wanna live long.

Ain’t never ashamed what life did to me.

Wasn’t afraid to change cause it was good for me.

I wanna.

I just wanna be myself.

Don’t sweat girl be yourself.

Follow me.

Follow me.

Follow me.

Girl be yourself.

That’s why I be myself.

And I’m gonna love it.

Na na work what you got.

I’m talking bout things that I know.

Na na work what you got.

It’s okay show yourself some love.

Na na work what you got.

Don’t worry bout who’s saying what.

It’s gonna be fine.

Work what you got.

Work that.

Work that.

Work that.

Girl don’t hold back.

You just be yourself.

Na na work what you got.

I’m talking bout things that I know.

Na na work what you got.

It’s okay show yourself some love.

Na na work what you got.

Don’t worry bout who’s saying what.

It’s gonna be fine.

Work what you got.

Work that.

Work that.

Work that.

Girl don’t hold back.

You just be yourself.

Work that thing out.

Work that thing out.

Work what you got.

You’re gonna say that I’m on a high horse.

I think that my horse is regular-sized.

Did you ever think —

MUSIC (54:18):

… broken down and tired.

Of living life on a merry go round.

And you can’t find the fighter.

But I see it in you so we gonna walk it out.

And move mountains.

We gonna walk it out.

And move mountains.

And I’ll rise up.

I’ll rise like the day.

I’ll rise up.

I’ll rise unafraid.

I’ll rise up.

And I’ll do it a thousand times again.

And I’ll rise up.

High like the waves.

I’ll rise up.

Bring the beat in.

Honey, honey.

I can see the stars all the way from here.

Can’t you see the glow on the window pane?

I can feel the sun whenever you’re near.

Every time you touch me I just melt away.

Now everybody asks me why I’m smiling out from ear to ear.

(They say love hurts).

But I know (it’s gonna take the real work) oh-oh.

Nothing’s perfect but it’s worth it.

After fighting through my tears and finally you put me first.

Baby, it’s you.

You’re the one I love.

You’re the one I need.

You’re the only one I see.

Come on, baby, it’s you.

You’re the one that gives your all.

You’re the one I can always call.

When I need to make everything stop.

Finally, you put my love on top.

Ooh, come on, baby.

You put my love on top, top, top, top, top.

You put my love on top.

Ooh, ooh.

Come on, baby.

You put my love on top, top, top, top, top.

My love on top, my love on top.

Baby, baby, I can hear the wind whipping past my face.

As we dance the night away.

And boy your lips taste like a night of champagne.

As I kiss you again and again and again and again.

Now everybody asks me why I’m smiling out from ear to ear.

(They say love hurts).

But I know (it’s gonna take the real work) oh-oh.

Nothing’s perfect but it’s worth it.

After fighting through my tears and finally you put me first.

Baby, it’s you.

You’re the one I love.

You’re the one I need.

You’re the only one I see.

Come on, baby, it’s you.

You’re the one that gives your all.

You’re the one I can always call.

When I need to make everything stop.

Finally, you put my love on top.

Ooh, baby.

You put my love on top, top, top, top, top.

You put my love on top.

Ooh ooh.

Come on, baby.

You put my love on top, top, top, top, top.

My love on top, my love on top.

Baby, it’s you.

You’re the one I love.

You’re the one I need.

You’re the only thing I see.

Come on, baby, it’s you.

You’re the one that gives your all.

You’re the one that always calls.

When I need you, baby, everything stops.

Finally, you put my love on top.

Baby, you’re the one that I love.

Baby, you’re all I need.

You’re the only one I see.

Come on, baby, it’s you.

You’re the one that gives your all.

You’re the one that always calls.

When I need you everything stops.

Finally, you put my love on top.

Baby, ’cause you’re the one that I love.

Baby, you’re the one that I need.

You’re the only man I see.

Baby, baby, it’s you.

You’re the one that gives your all.

You’re the one that always calls.

When I need you everything stops.

Finally, you put my love on top.

Baby, ’cause you’re the one that I love.

Baby, you’re the one that I need.

You’re the only one I see.

Baby, baby it’s you.

You’re the one that gives your all.

Here we go!

Let’s get loud, let’s get loud.

Turn the music up, let’s do it.

C’mon, people, let’s get loud, let’s get loud.

Turn the music up to hear that sound.

Let’s get loud, let’s get loud.

Ain’t nobody gotta tell ya what you gotta do.

If you wanna live your life, live it all the way and don’t you waste it.

Every feeling, every beat.

Can be so very sweet, you gotta taste it, mmm-hmm!

You gotta do it (you gotta do it), you gotta do it your way.

You gotta prove it (you gotta prove it), you gotta mean what you say (c’mon, you know what we’re here for!).

You gotta do it (do it), you gotta do it your way.

You gotta prove it (prove it), you gotta mean what you say.

Life’s a party, make it hot.

Dance don’t ever stop, whatever rhythm.

Every minute, every day.

Take them all the way, you gotta live ’em (’cause I’ma to live my life).

You gotta do it (you gotta do it), you gotta do it your way.

You gotta prove it (you gotta prove it), you gotta mean what you say.

You gotta do it (do it), you gotta do it your way.

You gotta prove it (prove it), you gotta mean what you say.

Let’s get loud, let’s get loud.

Turn the music up to hear that sound.

Let’s get loud, let’s get loud.

Ain’t nobody gotta tell ya what you gotta do, oh no.

Let’s get down, let’s get down.

Let’s get down, let’s get down (it’s just a party, baby, c’mon!).

Let’s get loud, let’s get loud.

Let’s get loud (pump it up!).

Ah, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, ah!Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Life is meant to be big fun, you’re not hurting anyone.

Nobody loses.

Let the music make you free, be what you wanna be.

Make no excuses.

You gotta do it (do what you want), you gotta do it your way.

You gotta prove it (say what), you gotta mean what you say (you wanna say).

You gotta do it (go where you wanna go), you gotta do it your way.

You gotta prove it, you gotta mean what you say (just do it, oh!).

Let’s get loud, let’s get loud.

Turn the music up to hear that sound.

Let’s get loud, let’s get loud.

Ain’t nobody gotta tell ya what you gotta do (¡eso!). Así, así es que me gusta, ya tú sabe.

¡ Echale candela!

Let’s get loud.

Let’s get loud.

Let’s get loud!

Let’s get loud!

Let’s get loud, let’s get loud.

Turn the music up to hear that sound.

Let’s get loud, let’s get loud.

Ain’t nobody gotta tell ya what you gotta do.

When I move my body just like this.

I don’t know why but I feel like freedom (yeah).

I hear a song that takes me back (I know).

And I let go with so much freedom (hey).

Free to live (how I wanna live).

I’ma get (where I’m gonna get). ‘Cause it’s my freedom.

I love how you talk.

You’re speaking my language.

The way that you walk.

You can’t contain it.

Is it the shoes?Jumped up, kangaroo.

We’re overdue for a little more prancing.

Now it’s your time (it’s your right)You can shine (it’s alright).

If you do, then I’ma do too.

When I move my body just like this.

I don’t know why but I feel like freedom (yeah)I hear a song that takes me back.

And I let go with so much freedom (oowee). Free to live (how I wanna live). I’ma get (where I’m gonna get).

‘Cause it’s my freedom.

The reason we get down, is to get back up.

If someone’s around, go on let them look.

You can’t stand still.

This ain’t no drill.

More than cheap thrills.

(Feels like money, money, money, money, money, money).

Now it’s your time (it’s your right).

You can shine (it’s alright).

If you do, then I’ma do too.

‘Cause when I look up to the stars.

Speaker 5 (01:07:43):

Please rise for the national anthem performed by Amani Smith.

MUSIC (01:07:46):

O say, can you see.

By the dawn’s early light.

What so proudly we hailed.

At the twilight’s last gleaming?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars.

Through the perilous fight.

O’er the ramparts we watched.

Were so gallantly, yeah, streaming?

And the rockets’ red glare.

The bombs bursting in air.

Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there.

O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave.

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Speaker 6 (01:10:34):


Speaker 5 (01:10:35):

Please welcome Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris.

Dr. Lakeysha Hallmon (01:12:10):

Good evening, America. Good evening, everyone. Good evening. And thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives.

Speaker 6 (01:12:18):

Kamala. Kamala,. Kamala. Kamala. Kamala. Kamala. Kamala. Kamala.

Dr. Lakeysha Hallmon (01:12:27):

Thank you.

Speaker 6 (01:12:28):

Kamala. Kamala.

Dr. Lakeysha Hallmon (01:12:28):

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everyone. So listen, one week from today, you will have the chance to make a decision that directly impacts your life, the life of your family, and the future of this country we love. And it will probably be the most important vote you ever cast. And this election is more than just a choice between two parties and two different candidates. It is a choice about whether we have a country rooted in freedom for every American or ruled by chaos and division. Many of you watching have probably already cast your ballots, but I know many others are still considering who to vote for or whether you’ll vote at all. So tonight, I will speak to everyone about the choice and the stakes in this election.

Look, we know who Donald Trump is. He is the person who stood at this very spot nearly four years ago and sent an armed mob to the United States Capitol to overturn the will of the people in a free and fair election, an election that he knew he lost. Americans died. As a result of that attack. 140 law enforcement officers were injured because of that attack. And while Donald Trump sat in the White House watching as the violence unfolded on television, he was told by his staff that the mob wanted to kill his own vice president. And Donald Trump responded with two words, “So what?”

Speaker 6 (01:14:54):


Dr. Lakeysha Hallmon (01:14:59):

America, that’s who Donald Trump is, and that’s who is asking you to give him another four years in the Oval Office, not to focus on your problems, but to focus on his. And Donald Trump has told us his priorities for a second term. He has an enemies list of people he intends to prosecute. He says that one of his highest priorities is to set free the violent extremists who insulted those law enforcement officers on January 6th.

Speaker 6 (01:15:38):


Dr. Lakeysha Hallmon (01:15:39):

Donald Trump intends to use the United States military against American citizens who simply disagree with him, people he calls “the enemy from within.” America, this is not a candidate for president who is thinking about how to make your life better. This is someone who is unstable, obsessed with revenge, consumed with grievance, and out for unchecked power. Donald Trump has spent a decade trying to keep the American people divided and afraid of each other. That is who he is. But America, I am here tonight to say that is not who we are. That is not who we are. That is not who we are.

You see, what Donald Trump has never understood is that “E pluribus unum,” out of many one, isn’t just a phrase on a dollar bill. It is a living truth about the heart of our nation. Our democracy, it doesn’t require us to agree on everything. In fact, we like good arguments from time to time. Just think of your own family, right? It’s not the American way to not have disagreements. We don’t shy away from robust debate. Robust debate effect. We like a good debate, don’t we? We like a good debate. And the fact that someone disagrees with us does not make them the enemy within. They are family, neighbors, classmates, co-workers. They are fellow Americans. And as Americans, we rise and fall together. America, for too long, we have been consumed with too much division, chaos, and mutual distrust. And it can be easy then to forget a simple truth. It doesn’t have to be this way. It doesn’t have to be this way. It is time to stop pointing fingers. We have to stop pointing fingers and start locking arms. It is time to turn the page on the drama and the conflict, the fear and division. It is time for a new generation of leadership in America. And I am ready to offer that leadership as the next president of the United States of America.

Now look, let me say, I recognize this has not been a typical campaign. Even though I’ve had the honor of serving as your vice president for the last four years, I know… But I know that many of you are still getting to know who I am. Well, let me tell you, I am someone who has spent most of my career outside of Washington D.C., so I know that not all the good ideas come from here. I am not afraid of tough fights against bad actors and powerful interest. Because for decades, as a prosecutor and a top law enforcement officer of our biggest state, I won fights against big banks that ripped off homeowners against for-profit colleges that scammed veterans and students, against predators who abused women and children and cartels that trafficked in guns, drugs, and human beings. And I did this work because for as long as I can remember, I have always had an instinct to protect. There’s something about people being treated unfairly or overlooked that frankly just gets to me. I don’t like it.

It’s what my mother instilled in me, a drive to hold accountable, those who use their wealth or power to take advantage of other people, the drive to protect hardworking Americans who aren’t always seen or heard and deserve a voice. And I will tell you, that is the kind of president I will be.

Dr. Lakeysha Hallmon (01:21:04):

And look, I’ll be honest with you, I’m not perfect, I make mistakes, but here’s what I promise you. I will always listen to you even if you don’t vote for me. I will always tell you the truth even if it is difficult to hear. I will work every day to build consensus and reach compromise to get things done. And if you give me the chance to fight on your behalf, there is nothing in the world that will stand in my way. So look, in less than 90 days, either Donald Trump or I will be in the Oval Office. On day one, on day one, and on day one, if elected, on day one if elected, Donald Trump would walk into that office with an enemies list. When elected, I will walk in with a to-do list full of priorities of what I will get done for the American people, and I will work with everyone, Democrats, Republicans, and independents to help Americans who are working hard and still struggling to get ahead.

I have been honored to serve as Joe Biden’s vice president, but I will bring my own experiences and ideas to the Oval Office. My presidency will be different because the challenges we face are different. Our top priority as a nation four years ago was to end the pandemic and rescue the economy. Now our biggest challenge is to lower costs, costs that were rising even before the pandemic and that are still too high. I get it. I still remember our mother sitting at that yellow Formica table late at night, cup of tea in hand, a pile of bills in front of her trying to make it all work. And I’ve heard from so many of you who are facing even greater financial pressures.

Donald Trump’s answer to you is the same as it was the last time, another trillion dollars in tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations. And this time he pay for it with a 20% national sales tax on everything you buy that is imported. Think about it. Clothes, food, toys, cell phones, a Trump sales tax that would cost the average family nearly $4,000 more a year. And on top of that, you’ll pay even more if Donald Trump finally gets his way and repeals the Affordable Care Act, which would throw millions of Americans off their health insurance. And take us back to when insurance companies have the power to deny people with pre-existing conditions. Well, we are not going back. We are not going back because we also know Donald Trump would deliver tax cuts to his billionaire donors. I will deliver tax cuts to working people and the middle class. I will make sure you have a chance not just to get by, but to get ahead. Because I believe in honoring the dignity of work. I will enact the first ever federal ban on price gouging on groceries, cap the price of insulin and limit out-of-pocket prescription costs for all Americans. I will fight to make sure that hardworking Americans can actually afford a place to live. I’ll never forget how our mother saved up and how excited she was when she could finally afford to buy our first home. I remember how excited she was and I know that owning a home is not only a measure of financial security, it’s about the pride of your hard work. And as president, I will fight to help home buyers with your down payment, take on the companies that are jacking up rents and build millions of new homes.

For years, we have heard excuses about why America can’t build enough housing, enough with the excuses. I’m going to cut the red tape and work with the private sector and local governments to speed up building and get it done. And the cost of housing isn’t the only financial pressure on middle class families. I have met so many young people who have a natural desire to parent their children well, but not always the resources to do it. So I’ll fight for a child tax credit to save them some money, which will also lift American children out of poverty.

I’ll work to lower the cost of child care, which is out of reach for too many working families today. And for too many people in the sandwich generation who are raising young children and taking care of a parent, juggling all of it is extremely difficult. I took care of my mother when she got sick, cooking food that she had a taste for, finding clothes that would not irritate her skin and understand as I do that caregiving is about dignity. It is about dignity. And currently if you need home care and you don’t have some money to hire someone, you and your family need to deplete your savings to qualify for help. That’s just not right. So we’re going to change the approach and allow Medicare to cover the cost of home care so seniors can get the help and care they need in their own homes.

Now Donald Trump has a different approach. He tried to cut Medicare and social security every year he was president. Look, I believe that when people have worked hard their entire life, they deserve to retire with the benefits they have earned. And I believe in the fundamental freedom of Americans to make decisions about their own bodies and not have their government tell them what to do. I will fight to restore what Donald Trump and his hand-selected Supreme Court justices took away from the women of America that today, one in three women in America, think about it, one in three women in America lives in a state with a Trump abortion ban.

Many with no exceptions, even for rape and incest, the idea that a woman who survives a crime of a violation to her body should not have the authority to make a decision about what happens to her body next. That is immoral. That is immoral and Trump’s not done. He would ban abortion nationwide, restrict access to birth control and put IVF treatments at risk and force states to monitor women’s pregnancies. Just Google Project 2025 and read the plans for yourself. And look, I think we all know one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to simply agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body, not the government.

And when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom nationwide as President of the United States, I’ll proudly sign it into law, proudly. And look, on another subject, politicians have got to stop treating immigration as an issue to scare up votes in an election and instead treat it as the serious challenge that it is that we must finally come together to solve. I will work with Democrats and Republicans to sign into law the border security bill that Donald Trump killed. When I was Attorney General of a border state I saw that chaos and violence caused by transnational criminal organizations that I took on. And when I am president, we will quickly remove those who arrive here unlawfully, prosecute the cartels, and give border patrol the support they so desperately need. At the same time, we must acknowledge we are a nation of immigrants and I’ll work with Congress to pass immigration reform including an earned path to citizenship for hardworking immigrants like farm workers and our dreamers. As Commander in Chief, I will make sure America has the strongest most lethal fighting force in the world. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has shown his contempt for our nation’s heroes, calls them suckers and losers, called a four-star marine general, “Low life.” I will always honor never denigrate the service and sacrifice of our troops and their families and fulfill our sacred obligation to care for them. I will strengthen, not surrender America’s global leadership and I will stand with our friends because I know that our alliances keep American people safe and make America stronger and more secure.

Look, world leaders think that Donald Trump is an easy mark, easy to manipulate with flattery or favor. And you can believe that autocrats like Putin and Kim Jong un are rooting for him in this election. I will always uphold our security, advance our national interest, and ensure that the United States of America remains as we must forever be a champion of liberty around the world. America, we know what Donald Trump has in mind, more chaos, more division and policies that help those at the very top and hurt everyone else. I offer a different path and I ask for your vote. And here is my pledge to you. I pledge to seek common ground and common sense solutions to make your life better. I am not looking to score political points. I am looking to make progress. I pledge to listen to experts, to those who will be impacted by the decisions I make and to people who disagree with me, unlike Donald Trump, I don’t believe people who disagree with me are the enemy. He wants to put them in jail. I’ll give them a seat at the table. I pledge to you to approach my work with the joy and optimism that comes from making a difference in people’s lives. And I pledge to be a president for all Americans and to always put country above party and self. I love our country with all my heart. And I believe in its promise because I’ve lived it. I grew up as a child of the civil rights movement. My parents would take me to marches in a stroller where crowds of people of all races, faiths, and walks of life came together to fight for the ideals of freedom and opportunity. I’ve lived the promise of America.

I saw how hard our mother worked to give her daughters the same chances this country gave her. Growing up, I was blessed to have family by blood and family by love who instilled in me the values of community, compassion and faith that have always defined our nation at its best. I’ve lived the promise of America. I’ve spent my life fighting for the people who have been hurt and counted out, but never stopped believing that in our country anything is possible. I’ve lived the promise of America and I see the promise of America in all of you, in all of you I see it.

I see it in the young people who are voting for the first time, who are determined to live free from gun violence and to protect our planet and to shape the world they inherit. I see it in the women who refuse to accept a future without reproductive freedom and the men who support them. I see it in Republicans who have never voted for a Democrat before but have put the constitution of the United States over party. I’ve seen it in Americans different in many respects, but united in our pursuit of freedom, our belief in fairness and decency and our faith in a better future. America, I know the vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us. I know it. And that’s why I am in this race to fight for the people just like I always have. Nearly 250 years ago, America was born when we wrested freedom from a petty tyrant. Across the generations, Americans have preserved that freedom, expanded it, and in so doing, proved to the world that a government of, by and for the people is strong and can endure. And those who came before us, the Patriots at Normandy and Selma, Seneca Falls and Stonewall, on farmlands and factory floors, they did not struggle, sacrifice and lay down their lives only to see us seed our fundamental freedoms. They didn’t do that only to see us submit to the will of another petty tyrant.

These United States of America, we are not a vessel for the schemes of wannabe dictators. The United States of America is the greatest idea humanity ever devised. A nation big enough to encompass all our dreams, strong enough to withstand any fracture or fissure between us and fearless enough to imagine a future of possibilities. So America, let us reach for that future. Let us fight for this beautiful country we love and in seven days we have the power, each of you has the power to turn the page and start writing the next chapter in the most extraordinary story ever told. I thank you all. God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America. Thank you.

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