Meet a Revver: A Rescuer of Dogs in Mexico
Meet Kathleen, a wife and rescuer of dogs and cats in Mexico, who finds time to be a Rev transcriptionist! What's been her Rev journey? Find out here!

Name: Kathleen
From: Canada, but currently lives in Mexico!
Time With Rev: Since 2014
Service Line: Transcription
Kathleen: (00:02)
My name is Kathleen. I am currently in Querétaro, Mexico, but I am originally from Mississauga, Canada. I have been a Revver for, I think, six years. My service line of choice is transcriptions. So I actually started Rev just a part-time job, maybe a job a day. And it was really just to get some extra money. It paid for my lunch every day, which was great. But after, when we moved here to Mexico, I decided to just take it on full time and have a daily goal. And Monday to Friday, I’m working Rev. So with Rev, I’ve decided that I’m going to make at least $50 a day. That’s my daily quota. It’s really a lot of self-discipline, but once you get the hang of it, it goes by really quickly and you have the freedom all day to get to $50. So it’s not a ton of pressure. I don’t set a time limit, like I have to do it from 9:00 to 12:00.
Kathleen: (00:55)
So here in Mexico, there’s a huge problem with the dog population, the stray dog population. There’s actually more stray dogs than people here. So it’s definitely a very big problem. And the first thing I did when we moved here is we started a dog organization, dog rescue organization called Rescat-Aayda-Adopta, which means rescue, aid, adopt. Especially knowing here in Mexico, it’s such a huge problem, I had to do something. I just had to.
Kathleen: (01:22)
Rev is my main source of income. So to get dogs spayed, neutered, vaccinated, fed, water, it costs money. And luckily here in Mexico, it’s actually very cheap. My $50 a day can help two, three dogs get fed, get their vaccines. It’s great. Especially now with COVID-19. So many people are struggling with their jobs and I’ve been doing this full time for two years, that it didn’t affect me at all. Rev has been honestly a lifesaver for me, especially moving here to Mexico, I had no idea what I was going to do. I thought I was just going to have to depend on my husband and Rev has given me this independence that I just really, really needed in my life.
Give Kathleen’s animal rescue a follow on Instagram right here!
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