Exiled Tennessee Lawmaker Returns to State Legislature Transcript

Exiled Tennessee Lawmaker Returns to State Legislature Transcript

Days after being expelled from the Tennessee legislature, Justin Jones is back in his role as a state representative. Read the transcript here.

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Stephanie Sandoval (00:02):

Days after being expelled from the Tennessee legislature, Justin Jones is back in his role as a state representative.

Speaker 2 (00:09):

Representative Jones.

Representative Justin Jones (00:11):

Thank you. Mr. Speaker, I want to welcome the people back to the People’s House. I want to welcome democracy back to the People’s House, that on last Thursday, members of this body tried to crucify democracy. But today we stand as a witness of a resurrection of a movement of a multiracial democracy that no unjust decision will stand.

Stephanie Sandoval (00:32):

The Nashville City Council voted unanimously to reappoint Jones back to the State House.

Speaker 3 (00:38):

No Justin, no peace.

Stephanie Sandoval (00:40):

Protestors gathered outside of City Hall to stand in support of Jones ahead of the Metro Council’s special meeting days after the GOP-led House expelled him in Justin Pearson for disrupting the House floor to demand gun reform.

Representative Justin Jones (00:55):

When they expelled us, they had no idea that this was going to happen. They just thought [inaudible 00:01:02] out as they as always do, that they would abuse their power and there would be no resistance, that they would do something unconstitutional and we would just have to wait to seek accountability. Well we say to that, that there comes a time where time itself is ready for a change and that time has come to Nashville.

Stephanie Sandoval (01:22):

And it didn’t take long.

Speaker 5 (01:24):

Justin Jones has been elected as the interim successor.

Stephanie Sandoval (01:27):

City council members tag Jones as interim to fill his own vacant House seat until a special election is held. After the vote, Jones was sworn back in on the steps of the Capitol walking back into the House chamber.

Representative Justin Jones (01:41):

I’m hopeful, I’m hopeful for the days ahead for Tennessee, not because of the actions of this body, but because of the actions of the people out there and the thousands gathered outside this chamber right now who are calling for something better.

Stephanie Sandoval (01:52):

He also called on protestors to stand together and ask that Cameron Sexton resign as House Speaker.

Representative Justin Jones (01:58):

Cameron Sexton, we calling on you to resign because you are an enemy to democracy.

Stephanie Sandoval (02:04):

For now, the fight for gun legislation isn’t over.

Representative Justin Jones (02:07):

Who’s house?

Speaker 3 (02:07):

Our house.

Representative Justin Jones (02:09):

Stephanie Sandoval, Scripps News, Nashville.

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