Disney Calls State Takeover "Retaliation" as Board's Move to Thwart DeSantis Efforts Comes to Light Transcript

Disney Calls State Takeover "Retaliation" as Board's Move to Thwart DeSantis Efforts Comes to Light Transcript

Disney CEO Bob Iger fired back at Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis on his retaliation against Disney for taking a position on Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act, calling it as ‘anti-business.’ Read the transcript here. 

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Speaker 1 (00:00):

All right, so try to figure this one out. What do Ron DeSantis, Disney World and King Charles have in common? They’re all characters in the ongoing political drama involving Florida’s Governor and the happiest place on earth.

Speaker 2 (00:13):

Today the Governor ordered an investigation into a last minute move by the now disbanded Reedy Creek Board aimed at retaining Disney’s self-governing power. Jack Royer is live in studio with this strange new twist, Jack.

Speaker 3 (00:25):

Didn’t think we’d be talking about King Charles this week, Keith and Jen, but here we are. Some might say it would make a good movie itself. Disney’s once self-governing board making a last minute move to hold onto their power and name checking the King of England in the process. The Governor now wants a full investigation, something the company’s CEO today called “Retaliation”.

Out in the open at a public meeting, the now disbanded Reedy Creek Board made a move that apparently few noticed until now. In an effort to thwart Governor DeSantis’ stripping of Disney’s self-governing power, the company used an obscure legal clause to retain some of its self-governance until 21 years after the death of the last descendant of King Charles III. Yes, you heard that right.

Speaker 4 (01:10):

Don’t mask with Mickey. You don’t mess with the mouse.

Speaker 3 (01:13):

Tara Newsom is a lawyer and political analyst who says this strange move seems to have everyone asking questions.

Speaker 4 (01:20):

I think this is clearly a head scratcher that the governor is backtracking once again to go after Disney in clear connection with their comments regarding the Don’t Say Gay bill.

Speaker 3 (01:33):

The governor today calling for an investigation amid the feuds spanning a year following the company’s denouncement of the parental rights and education law. Republican lawmakers move to strip Disney of its special governing district and replace it with a board appointed by DeSantis, a move CEO Bob Iger took aim at today.

Speaker 5 (01:52):

The governor got very angry about the position Disney took and seems like he’s decided to retaliate against us, in effect to seek to punish a company for its exercise of a constitutional right, and that just seems really wrong to me.

Speaker 3 (02:07):

The board’s move retains power for Disney and strips it from the newly appointed Central Florida Tourism Oversight Board. That came as a shock to board members last week.

Speaker 6 (02:16):

This board loses practical purposes, the majority of its ability to do anything beyond maintain the roads and maintain basic infrastructure.

Speaker 3 (02:28):

Today DeSantis called on the Inspector General to investigate the legality of the move, which came just before the state takeover.

Speaker 5 (02:35):

Simply to retaliate for a position the company took sounds not just anti-business, but it sounds anti-Florida.

Speaker 3 (02:42):

Setting up a new storyline between the Governor and the House of Mouse. The Governor wants to know if the move was legal and if Disney executives were involved in the decision making process. Disney says it was perfectly legal because it was done in a public, open forum in accordance with Florida’s Sunshine Law. And while Disney says it’s retaliation, DeSantis nor Republicans have ever made that direct connection. Jack Royer, 8 On Your Side.

Speaker 1 (03:08):

Thank you, Jack-

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